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Friday, May 18, 2007

Spartan L79 Field Log - Day 1

By Coop


DAY 1 : 0800 hours.I just got the message from the Captain; good news is we drop in 1 hour's time. They say on the other side of these blue, wavy portals there stands hordes of bastards we need to fill with lead. I've been watching training videos to prepare. They mention some kind of "bubble shield" they want to field test. Word around the campfire is it stops near everything from getting through. Time I put that theory to test.

DAY 1: 0910.The gates still didn't open but I figure its just growing pains. This big of an excursion is bound to have a few kinks in the road. On the bright side it gave me some time to clean out my rifle from the old days - they told us to put the battle rifles away. Wait, 'Cap just walked in. He said that we should expect to be up at 1300. God damn that's a hell of a wait - but it will be worth it.

Day 1: 1330.We are starting to think that the problems may be bigger than we were told. We didn't land and the captain 'aint saying a word. Boys around me are starting to snap under the pressure. One yelled "EVEYONE JUST PLAY GEARS! FORGET BUNGIE!" and made a break for the air-lock. Luckily someone tapped him on the back of the head and he was out cold before sucking us all out into the dark, cold abyss.

Day 1: 1950.6y3dsajgklggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggugh, sorry, fell asleep on the keys. Been a long day. The Captain is smiling. I waited all day to see that. Behind him the window shows stars turning to white streaks as we fall towards Earth. Time to land. Oh, it's going to take an hour. God damn.

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